Our History
Established in 1982, SRB is a nonprofit, 501(c) (3) organization addressing the needs of Broomfield's older adults. Over the years, SRB has continued to update its mission and programs in response to our seniors' changing needs.
From its inception through 1999, the City of Broomfield and SRB worked together in a unique partnership creating and providing a variety of services and programs for older adults in Broomfield. The City provided staff, supervised the day-to-day operations, planned recreation programs, community resource services, and outreach, and operated a door-to-door transportation program, called Easy Ride. SRB contributed funds for Meals on Wheels, and the Lakeshore Café lunch programs, a cultural diversity arts program, the Volunteer Respite Care, and Chore Services programs.
The City of Broomfield assumed fiscal responsibility for all of the Senior Services programs in 2000 and in 2001 the City's Recreation Division accepted the responsibility for providing computer classes, trips, special events, arts and crafts, drop-in activities, and fitness classes for seniors. SRB continues to work with both of these entities, but provides more support to Senior Services for Nutrition programs and Community services.
SRB stands out among non-profits serving Broomfield as the only organization dedicated to serving older adults. This allows SRB to focus specifically on seniors with activities tailored to meet their needs.
SRB has prioritized Goals for the Current year and into the Future.
Addressing the issue of isolation, particularly in consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Funding new activities (SRBCares programs) outside the SRB-City of Broomfield partnership programs.
Increase net income through fundraising activities.
Formalize our volunteer program to help sustain activities. A major emphasis is to engage our youth in the community to enhance intergenerational connections.
Continue to support City-led services by increasing the number of unduplicated older adults served to keep pace with the changing demographics of the senior population.